
A pz-way to create your Telegram Bot

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Add Commands

All telegram bots work with a list of commands.

All commands are composed by / followed by a word. If the user sends some other words after the command, those words will be interpreted as parameters of that command.

pzgram connects a function to each command.

def ping_command(chat, message, sender):
    print(sender.first_name, message.text)
commands = {"ping": ping_command}

As you can see the ping_command function, is a simple function that prints the first name of the message sender and the text of the message and then it sends the message “Pong!” to the user that triggered the function.

In order to connect a command to a function, you need to create a dictionary containing, as key, the name of the command (ping) and the function that needs to be triggered (ping_command). This dictionary will be then given as parameter to the set_command method.

Possible Parameters

You can give to the functions that represent the command (ping_command, for example) the parameters listed below:

Set Next function

Usually, when a user writes a command, the bot asks him for some additional information. In order to catch these reply message you can use the set_next method of the bot.

When the bot will receive a message from that chat, it will be sent to this particular function, set_next, which requires 2 parameters: the Chat object of that particular chat and the name of the function that receives the next message.


You need a bot that asks the phone number to a user after he writes ‘/start’.

def start_command(chat):
    chat.send("Plese provide your phone number")
    bot.set_next(chat, receive_number)
def receive_number(message):
bot.set_commands({"start": start_command})

In this simple example, when an user writes /start, the bot replies asking for his phone number. After that, with the method bot.set_next, the bot knows that he has to send the next message received from that chat to the function receive_number.

When the user writes his phone number and sends the message to the bot, the message is caught and send to function receive_number that prints it.

All other messages received will be managed as normal messages (see the next page)

/start and /help

pzgram contains a default reply function to answer to the commands /start and /help

These default replies can be easily overwritten by giving a function to bot.set_commands as a normal command.

The default /help replying message contains a list of all commands that the bot has configured. If you want to add more information about a command, you can write it as docstring and it will appear in the reply message of /help

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