
A pz-way to create your Telegram Bot

Project maintained by infopz Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Groups and Channels


All messages that come from a group, are managed from pzgram as a normal messages. To distinguish messages from private chat and mesages from groups you can check the type attribute of the Chat object connected to that particular message. This attributes can assume 4 values: private, group, supergroup and channel.

Also, pzgram, offers many functions that allows Bot to manage groups, most of them are methods of the Chat class, for example get_members_count, kick_user or set_title.

To get the complete list of these functions and to get more detail, view this page.


If you want to receive messages from a channel, you have to create a function, that can receive as parameters message and/or chat. To connect this function to the bot, you have to set it as the channelPostFunc attribute of the Bot object.

For example, to forward all message from a channel to another user.

def forward_post(message, chat):
    pzgram.Chat(bot, USER_ID).send("New message from channel " + chat.title)
    pzgram.Chat(bot, USER_ID).send(message.text)
bot.channelPostFunc = forward_post

To manage channels, you can use the same functions explained before for groups.

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